Saturday, February 21, 2009

Resurrection! and eating with new purpose

Well, after over 2 years of dormancy, it's time to re-open this blog, albeit with a different focus. Strangely enough, the title still applies nicely!

I've decided to start blogging here on my experiments with primal/paleo eating and living. There a crapload of variations on this theme out there, and I've been reading up on them for over a year. The more I read and experience, the more primal/paleo eating and living makes sense to me.

One of the reasons I'm going to try it is that this way of eating is said to reduce systemic inflammation in the body. I have a couple of minor autoimmune issues that I've had all my life, and that haven't really responded to anything permanently. I want to see if primal living can help to address them. Also - I've done a few short-term experiments with cutting out sugar and high-carbohydrate foods. What I've found is that I feel better when I don't eat a ton of carbs. Better energy, no feelings of hypoglycemia, etc.

I also recently came to realize that I'm not getting any younger, have chosen a career with a lot of sedentary time built in, and am not magically going to get in shape by thinking about it. Basically, I need to be more proactive about taking care of myself, and I'd like to choose a plan that I can stick to indefinitely.

Enough introduction for now; I'll have a lot more to say later. The short version is that I've taken the plunge and am going to try and eat "primally" for the next 30 days. As I said, there are a lot of interpretations of this out there. For me, for now, this means:
  • no sugar (or honey or other sweeteners!)
  • no grains
  • no legumes
  • limited amounts of fruit and starchy vegetables
  • limited amounts of dairy etc.
  • meat, eggs, poultry, fish, LOTS of vegetables!, nuts, seeds, etc.
I'm still going to be concerned with finances, of course. Cutting out beans and rice and pasta makes this more challenging! However, I'm confident that with good planning, I can eat this way and still remain frugal.

In addition to this, I just joined the local Y (YAY!) and am going to start working on 1) training for a 5K and 2) developing some greater strength overall.

I began my eating plan yesterday. So far so good (even after standing next to a cartload of fresh-baked bread for several minutes at the Co-op this morning!).


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