Friday, October 14, 2005

Oh blog, how I neglect thee.

No recipes today, but I hope to have some new ones soon. Failing new recipe content, I thought I would provide a short update on my current food endeavors.

Mainly my reason for not posting much is that I've been more focused on not wasting food than on exploring new recipes. My eyes have been healthier than my stomach for a long time, and as a result, a lot of good produce has gone to waste, rotting away in my crisper drawer. I am working on streamlining and using what I have. I think it's working. I'm improving, anyhow. Fewer leftovers thrown away every week.

However, it hasn't made for great new recipes fit for sharing lately. I'm hoping to get there, and perhaps create some recipes of my own soon rather than simply proselytizing others' work. Not that I don't love Mark Bittman, but you should probably just go buy his books yourself. I think he's got a new one.


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